Hey Anteaters! I know a lot of you are thinking about grad photos right now, so I just wanted to help out with that process. Here’s a short list of my favorite graduation photo locations on campus:
*I’ve attached Google Maps hyperlinks at the end of each suggestion to help you guys find them

1. MSTB Green Arches
Hands down, the most popular spot at UCI for graduation photos. When planning your shoot, make sure to allocate an extra 10-15 minutes for this spot because it gets pretty busy and sometimes a line forms. Exact Location

2. MSTB Purple Flowers
Just a short walk away from the Green Arches at MSTB are these beautiful purple flowers. Just cross South Circle View Drive and they’re on the other side of the walkway. Exact Location

3. Infinity Fountain
Probably the second most popular spot on campus for grad photos. Same deal with MSTB, make sure to add an extra 10 minutes or so for this spot because it can get busy sometimes. Also, make sure to get these photos done earlier in your shoot, UCI turns off the fountain a little before sunset. Exact Location

4. Aldrich Park (Center of the Park)
At the bottom of this section, there’s a nice seating area for photos. Next to that is a rocky hill and above that it plateaus and has a nice collection of flowers. I don’t think this spot gets enough love. Definitely an awesome spot for photos. Exact Location

5. Aldrich Park (Red Flowers)
These flowers are located directly behind Langson Library. They are only around for a few weeks though so if you really want these photos, make sure to take your grad photos before June.

6. Bren Events Center
This is personally my favorite spot for grad photos. You can take photos with the Peter on the water tower, Peter’s statue, or both if you get the right angle. Quick tip: if you want the Peter on the water tower to look bigger, take a few steps back and be zoomed in when you take your photo, that’ll make the background appear closer. Exact Location

7. Wheat Fields Across Engineering
This is another one of those places where it only looks really nice for a few weeks so you have to time it right. The photos above were taken mid-May. Exact Location

8. Langson Library Arches
First time I took grad photos, I had the hardest time finding this spot. If you’re facing Aldrich Park, it’s on the front left section of Langson Library. Exact Location

9. Business School
Right up the staircase is a pretty neat spot at the business school. Lots of reflective material around so you get pretty good lighting here. Exact Location

10. Neuroscience Center next to Science Library
This spot is pretty hidden. Its next to the Science Library. From the library, just go down the hill towards Humanities and it’s gonna be on your left hand side. I’d recommend opening up the google maps link for this one. Exact Location

11. UCI Sign on Bison
This sign is HUGE. You can take the photo on the ground or sitting on the sign. If you’re taking it on the ground, just make sure to have a wide angle lens to fit the whole sign into your photo. If you're planning on sitting on top of the sign, just be safe. It's pretty high off the ground.

12. Corona Del Mar
There’s an amazing view of sunset at Corona Del Mar and a nice little hidden beach section too. Only downside is, you have to pay for parking. Exact Location
You can find some more ideas for your graduation photos on this Pinterest Board.
If any of the Google Maps links are wrong or if you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a message: info@rikkiyoung.com
Hope this list was able to help y’all out in some way and congratulations on graduating!